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Igniting Prosperity

Creating an iconic and sustainable urban ecosystem

World-class infrastructure



Our vision is to create an iconic and sustainable urban ecosystem that transcends boundaries. Through innovation, strategic partnerships, and a commitment to excellence, we aspire to establish GrandCity as a regional commercial and business hub, driving economic prosperity and fostering a dynamic community. With a harmonious blend of world-class infrastructure, thriving commerce, and unmatched lifestyle experiences, we aim to attract talent from Zambia, Africa, and the world, while igniting sustainable growth and progress for generations to come.

Empowering Success


At GrandCity Development, our mission is to craft an exceptional living and working environment that embraces diversity, fosters innovation, and empowers success. Through meticulous planning, sustainable practices, and strategic investments, we are dedicated to realizing the full potential of our vast greenfield site. Our mission is to create a vibrant and inclusive ecosystem that offers unparalleled opportunities for businesses, residents, and visitors alike. With a commitment to transforming landscapes and lives, we aim to shape a legacy of excellence and prosperity in Zambia and beyond.